Monday, April 06, 2009

Week two!

I showed up at the pool today and was glad I had.

Although yesterday I hadn't met my distance goal for my long run (because I'm starting to waffle on the marathon) I still had a fantastic run. I was joined by my running friend, Laurel. We ran for about 2 hours or 10 miles (whichever rocks your boat) of hilly and beautiful trails. We could plant our feet firmly on the ground and every time we said we should slow down our feet started to 'hoof it' again simply because it was one of our first NO SNOW/ICE runs!

My husband and boys met me at the Kinsmen pool and while they swam I tried to get in 20 x 100 just to loosen up but managed only 7 x before joining them and playing around in the warm kiddie pool. I was bagged having not eaten since breakfast and it was now 4pm. We hurried home and I cooked some delicious baked chicken, garlicky dirty mashed potatoes (dirty = skin on) and broccoli. Yum. Shortly after eating I realised I'd made a plan to meet Doug at Coronation. We haven't had a chance to catch up in a long time and I wanted to tell him more about the Method club and how great it is. I finished off my 20 x 100 set, grabbed some quick groceries and had a yummy beer with Doug.

The alarm came early this morning. I was dreaming fitfully and feeling restless so I jumped out of bed and grabbed my Bree Wee Recovery Cookies made on the weekend for just such an occasion.

I was glad Greg was there, it was just the push I needed to actually swim my sets. And to keep honest about taking my rests.

I'm feeling really strong in the water. Not necessarily fast, though sometimes I "get it" for a brief moment and the pool floor seems to move faster below me. I'm feeling some residual fatigue from the increase in volume as I base build and juggle the marathon training (more on that later).

Tonight is a bike session and tomorrow another swim. Things are coming together. I have never felt this kind of trust in my program before. It's a good feeling.

Cheers and happy training everyone :)



Bree's cookies are very similar to Larabars. MMM Coconut. I'll have to give em a try.

Sonia said...

You're doing great Jord! I'm tired just reading about your training! Glad you have friend to motivate and push you =)

gnicholson said...

*cracking whip*


Ooops.. wrong sport. ;-)

Good swim again today. You're going to crush it at GWN!

Now get yourself from paddles.

gnicholson said...

Ooops. SOME paddles...

Jordan said...

Jim - I think next time I make them I'll up the coconut. Even roll them in some crushed coconut before baking? I had to up the lime juice and it nearly killed my food processor to get through the sticky dates!

Sonia - rest up how are you doing/healing girlie?

Greg - GWN is going to be a blast! Thanks for keeping me going :)

BreeWee said...

ha ha, glad you had the cookies on hand!!

Oh my gosh, I so wish you were with me on that ride, or at least waiting for Luis in the parking lot (I needed back ups, ha ha!) His bike was a Cannondale, he had it painted all black over the logos so he wasn't representing or endorsing any company... it was pretty fun yet intense times!

Happy swimming!

Jordan said...

Bree I think you handled yourself perfectly :) ... but I could have hidden your ipod for you! he he he.

Naomi Rae Nicholson said...

Awesome post, Jordan! You go, Girl!!!

BTW: I like the skin on my chicken too. I don't care what anyone says about how "bad" it is. "Bad" is "good"! lol!

Naomi :)