from Naomi who is a superwoman in my books:
The rules are:
1. Fill it out
2. Change one question with one of your own
3. Add an additional question
4. Tag 3 other people to do the same
1. What are your current obsessions?
Self-improvement, self-acceptance, sushi, any reality tv
2. Which item from your closet are you wearing most often?
My hat right now... ;-)
3. Last thing you bought for yourself?
4. What’s for breakfast?
Bagel but I prefer oatmeal and always always coffee
5. Say something to the person who tagged you:
I am the luckiest person in the world to know you. You are resilient, strong, kind, funny as hell and a graceful beauty.
6. What is one item you could not live without?
My bike... but I suppose I could live without it, just not as happy. Ok air? :)? :)
7. Vacation spots you must visit before you die?
I've never seen blue ocean. I hope I live to one day feel warm sand and blue water.
8. What is your most immediate short term goal:
Become organized.
9. What are you reading right now?
Marathoning for Mortals on the plane.
10. What is the last movie you saw and enjoyed?
A canadian short documentary film on "Pi day" Was really cute for a nerdy short!
11. What’s your guilty pleasure?
sushi sushi sushi
12. What’s your favorite smell?
13. Whats something you look forward to?
Picking Noah up from school
Waking up to a full home
My bed ooh sleep sleep sleep
14. Favorite Quote?
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars" Oscar Wilde
"Keep Going Never Give Up" Spencer Dolling
15. What is something you would like to do, as outrageous as it may sound?
Place top 10 in my AG by 2015 at GWN.
16. Whats one thing you can't go a day with out doing?
Hearing my kids voices.
17. What do you have an addiction to?
Sometimes an addiction to bad feelings (breaking this cycle)
18. Whats your favorite holiday?
Family Day - cuz it's a little extra time off :)
19. How many pairs of shoes (not just running) do you have??
Would take me all day to count. My faves are red :)
20. Tell us one random thing about you.
I danced in the Opening Cermonies of the 88 Winter Olympics
21. Why did you start your blog?
In 2005 I wanted to start documenting my journey, trials, tribulations (what a funny word) in getting to Ironman. Something to look back on I guess. I've been journaling since I could write.
22. What is your silliest/ most embarrassing triathlete rookie story?
Not so much a rookie but my Great White North bike picture my helmet is practically sideways. That's at the halfway point! Oh and every time I try to mount my bike or any sudden stops when I often just fall over instead of unclip :D
23. If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?
Marry John again on a beach in Hawaii.
24. What is your best childhood memory?
In lethbridge, flying kites with my grandpa.
Tag! You're it..
Race Report: Muskoka River X 2024 (Algonquin Park Edition)
We came.
We suffered.
We conquered.
The Start
*The Race*
90km of paddling across Algonquin Provincial Park.
7am start... clock doesn't stop until yo...
5 months ago
Right back at you, Jordan! I am VERY fortunate and blessed to know you too! What an incredible, radiant, strong, honest woman you are!
I loved reading your responses, and as for that top 10: GO FOR IT!!! :)
How can I respond to my most embarrassing triathalon moments? lol
Well silly you can CHANGE that question :) (see rules)!
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