I had some. Most of it was my own stuff, but also residual stuff from my trip to Vancouver and it all came out of me on Saturday. It was not 'precious' it was not pretty and I'm not particularly proud of how I handled it but I did know something had to change, I had to take a step back and I had to figure out how people who are not super close to me could bring forth so many awful emotions.
The truth that many people never understand, until it is too late, is that the more you try to avoid suffering the more you suffer because smaller and more insignificant things begin to torture you in proportion to your fear of being hurt. ---Thomas Merton
I took a step away, fully realising that I may not step back in (burned bridges probably) but needed to for my own security. Somehow though, I will have to address this issue rather than continue to walk away from it.
Training is going along very well. I had a very nice long (only 2 hours yay!) run on Sunday after a lovely Saturday spent with my friend Doug out at Sylvan. We attempted an open water swim (too f'in cold) but then went out on a cold, hilly, windy ride. Just perfect training conditions. We followed it up with a T run.
Last week I also did a 20km time trial with the Edmonton Method Club and had a great time. I now have a benchmark that I'm dying to smash this week.
Yesterday while swimming my recovery 100m sets I saw a split I have never seen before and I was really proud. I do have problems completing my longer sets some days because I start to get bored. The rest of June will be practicing my mental sharpness/focus as well as "learn to endure" as the training plan cycle suggests :)
I just have to add: My boys are growing way too fast. As I walked Caleb to the bus this morning, watched him give chase to a magpie and be fine walking 10 paces ahead of me I nearly burst into tears. Where is the time going?

Regardless of what the lingering issue from Vancouver is, please know this: you are an amazing, inspirational, wonderful woman. Sometimes "burned bridges" can be signs of places we were never meant to be in the first place. It can be hard, but in the end it is what is best for us.
Great work on the training! And, yes, time passes way to quickly!
Talk to you soon!
Smiles and Hugs,
Kids growing up sucks. Wil starts high school, Kaelan starts Junior High, and Serejane starts Kindy this September. I may need Prozac to survive September.
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