We're at the three month out mark. I'm feeling strong in the water, relatively strong on the bike and oh oh so weak on the run.
Yesterday at the pool I explained to CoachGreg how I was starting to lose my focus a bit and looking around at what other people are doing and feeling discouraged. We had a pretty good talk and I felt like my head was screwed on straight after.
I went home, did the kids to school thing, did the morning get ready for work routine, went to work an did the work thing, came home and did the get supper ready for everyone thing, laid down for half an hour and did the sleep like you are dead thing, got up and did the go back to work thing, did the work thing, got dressed for the run thing and headed out.
And it all came apart. Maybe I needed this crappy run. Maybe I need a big huge kick in the ass. Maybe I need to fall down in order to get back up again. I've been feeling SOOOOO great in training for a while now but it seems that quite possibly the May marathon caught up with me. I'm one month out and my legs are suddenly TIRED.
I'm glad I had the talk with Greg - otherwise I may have just lay down instead of running down Emily Murphy hill. I may have just started crying in the bathrooms when I hit the bottom of the hill and nearly exploded right there. Still I wasn't in the best of moods. I also questioned why the hell I am doing this. I'm entitled to question that, right?
Ahh well. One bad run in the books. It's not all sunshine and lolipops over here ;-)
On to brighter things:
1) I'm wearing a bright yellow froofroo top today

2) 20km Time Trial tonight *woot*;
3) Summer seems to have arrived;
4) I managed to plant a garden thus proving you CAN have a life and train for Ironman!;
5) John bought folk fest tickets yay!!!
Ok. Happy training everyone :)
You are doing this so that you can have bragging rights :) I don't know about you - but every time I watch an Ironman video, I either get goose bumps or cry! :)
Some runs suck - and that just helps us appreciate the good ones even more!!
LOVE the yellow shirt!!!
Hmm... your post title... Madonna?
I know you mean well Chloe.. but I hope Jordan isn't doing IM just so she can brag to people! Jordan is an amazing person, whether she has done Ironman or not. To me, being a good human being is more important than completing a silly triathlon. :-)
Thanks you two :)
I think... upon reflecting... that I am mainly doing this to challenge myself physically and mentally in a sport I do really love. There's also a small part of me that wants to, at the end of the day, tell anyone who wants to take up triathlon or even dreams about ironman that yes - you can do it! Look! Dorky me did it!
This blog (and me?!) went from having a question mark at the end of the title "on the road to an ironman?" to making it an assertion. And I'm really loving this road!
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