Great White North has come and gone and I gave it my all and improved on last year's time by 23 minutes overall. What I am most proud of is how I felt at the end. Strong and Happy.
Instead of all the details of the race I want to share some high points:
The smiles and comraderie with my friends were the #1 experience of the day. When I first started out I was so terrified and knew hardly anyone doing triathlons. Now the circle of people I know and care very much about who are participating is expanding and I am so grateful for their warm smiles and well wishes.
A hug from Dan, Doug, Sarah and Brian pre-race was fantastic. Seeing that Warren had shown up to race was very special.
My mom was my super race crew in the AM and PM!
Meeting Amber and her husband the day before and seeing them out on race day was inspiring.
Out on the run course I met someone who reads my blog - how's that for neat-o! She said she'd comment so I hope she does so I can in turn read hers. I gave out lots of positive energy to others which helped me to have the strongest 1/2 IM run so far.
In the last 5km's I saw my husband (who ran with me for a bit and picked me up to keep going stronger), my family, my running buddies from the Hypo Clinic (including Becky and Laurel who ran with me for all those crazy cold training runs!), training partners and friends from the Callingwood Running Room and then Greg and Naomi my heroes by the finishing chute. I started to cry because I was just so happy that I could be out there racing. What a blessing!
Mostly I want to congratulate Doug and Sarah who both finished their first Great White North 1/2 Ironman tris. I am so proud of both of you.
Wow 23 minutes is huge! Congrats! It sounds like you had a great race.
You are MY hero! I'm so excited for you!!! Congrats again and again!
Awesome race Jordan! And so glad to have met you :)
Yay, that was me! I'm so glad you had a great race!! It was nice to meet you out on the course.
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