Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Week 3 of P90X

Wow it's week three already!

I'm staring to feel a bit low energy wise with the nutrition plan. Two weeks left of this and then I'll update with some pictures and move on to a more balanced diet and Phase 2 :)

I find I'm already needing some larger weights to feel challenged on the lifting days. I'm searching for some 15/20/25/30 lb weights and I think that will be sufficient for phase two. I'm also *this* close to a chin up on my own. John held my legs last night and said he was very lightly assisting so I have to take his word for it.

As much as I'm loving this change I am really starting to miss my swim, bike, and run. I'm also looking at my goals for next year and like last year putting them out there to the universe to move me towards achieving them.

Great White North is a favourite and I want to beat 6 hours. I want to beat it *well*. I am projecting something like this:

swim 30 min
bike 2:45
run 2:15

I'd like to see the run be even faster than what I've projected. I'm feeling hopeful that this is achievable.

I'm staying with Greg as my coach. When it comes to people who believe in me and push me and search for new knowledge I feel Greg is the coach for me. I'm pretty excited about 2010.

The more positive results I achieve from the diet and weight training the more hopeful and excited I am. I'm starting to feel like a broken record of positivity but in all honesty I am enjoying my health and enjoying my life. I'm feeling very fit this year and the best is still yet to come.


Naomi Rae Nicholson said...

I like your coach, Jordan. :) Let me rephrase that: I LOVE your coach, Jordan! :-D

"impossible is nothing" ~ addidas

Jordan said...

That should go down as cutest comment ever :)! :)

addidas is right!