Sunday, December 06, 2009


The snow has fallen in one gigantic heap. It's quite pretty, even being stuck (right John?) because we got caught without our winter tires on.

I've written a resignation letter to my work and I am handing it over tomorrow morning. I'm a bit scared but really ready to take on this new challenge. Yes, that's right the dream job I applied for in my last entry was achieved! I'm not sure why I was hired - I felt like I failed the interview! I did my best to be myself and speak from the heart so they somehow must have sensed how seriously I took it. I had done a lot of research, talked to anyone I knew who knew something about the program. Talked to anyone I knew who knew/had experience in career changing resumes and interviews.

Ahh well - between the job application, interview, family sickness etc, I took 3 weeks off P90X. It was ok though because I found the motivation from my friend Sarah's help to keep going and pick up where I left off. So now I have 7 weeks left of P90X and things are ticking along. I really need to get some heavier weights at this point - or I feel I'm going to plateau. The other option is to take the workouts to the gym with me (which would be doable also).

So my new phase in life is Addictions Case Worker. The organization also has a running program and I will be able to bring my love of running to the team. We're looking at putting a team together for the Death Race. Neat huh? They'll need to do a lot of convincing to get me to run Blackfoot or the Frozen Ass 50 though. !! :)

Happy December!


Runner Leana said...

Congratulations on the new job! How exciting, and I'm so happy for you that you were able to land your dream job!!

Jennifer said...

Congratulations on the new phase - sounds very interesting! :D

Naomi Rae Nicholson said...

Congrats, again, Jordan!!! Very exciting new things! :)

Jennifer said...

I had a feeling that you were into horses...sorry I'm so slow. Just busy.

Have you ever heard of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy? As you are working in mental health, would you ever consider using it as a tool for rehab?

Kerry said...

Congrats again on the new job! Change is scary but we both know facing those fears and the unknown is where you find greatness.

Thought I would comment on the balancing act from someone that has been there. I did exactly what you're planning - worked full time, went to university, and trained for the half 6 days a week. So I guess I'm proof it can be done and I achieve my certificate with distinction and set my PB that year but I am not ignorant enough to think nothing suffered. It was manageable for a short period of time but my family sacrificed for me to hit those goals. I don't want to be nay-sayer but you can't excel at everything. It may be helpful to prioritize so you have a clear idea in your head what comes first/second/third etc. when those goals start interfering with each other. I know you'll do the right thing and be true to yourself!