Tuesday, March 16, 2010

in a sorta bad mood

Ever feel like you just don't fit in anywhere? You try for a bit but it falls flat. Maybe some grand expectations play into this feeling. Maybe something deeper. Or maybe it's just hormones jerking you around.

Anyway, on a positive note I love trail running. I can't wait to try my hand at a little ultra-marathon this spring at Blackfoot. I am looking forward to running the cross-country series. I am looking forward to my trip to the Okanagan to ride with Sarah.

I went to see Hawksley Workman with my friend Esther on Sunday night. We also got to eat at Padmanadi before we saw the show. Oh!!! the food!!!! Hawksley was also incredible. I was so tired because of DST but I made it through the whole show. It was good to see Esther again. We're friends who reconnect once a year or so.

This is short. Like I said - I'm in a sorta bad mood!


isaidnoh said...

I constantly feel like I don't fit in anywhere. I think it is universal. Being at home all the time and not working has been rather isolating.

If you ever want to grab a coffee or a baby snuggle, please let me know! My schedule is very open :)

*hugs* hope you feel better soon!

Sarah said...

I'm totally with you on the "not fitting in" feeling. What is that about and how do we shake it?!

I'm glad you enjoyed your dinner and concert evening with Esther, though! That's a nice treat.

Amber Dawn said...

Blackfoot? Me too! Cool! See you there :)