Tuesday, April 21, 2009

because I can say this...

Your true friends will be happy for you ... when you are happy.


Naomi Rae Nicholson said...

Well said, Jordan...well said.

Hope Walls said...

my mantra has always been, be happy first. This fits well.

Jordan said...

I like that mantra Hope. It's a lesson I'm slowly learning - to take care of myself. The kindness I give to myself opens doors to such positive people in my life. Who knew?!

Kerry said...

Hey J,
Finally had a chance to catch up on your blog. Sounds like the journey is going well, which makes me happy. You haven't commented on your nutrition lately but it looks like you were doing workouts without proper nutrition. If there is one thing I can emphasize it's to get a handle on your nutrition NOW! Don't wait until your last long workouts to try and figure out what works. Study what's on the IMC course and start training with it asap. Trust me, you run out of long workouts faster than you think.