HURT100, long run, lots to say...
"And when you get to where you're going, turn around and help her too. For
there was a time, not long ago, when she was you."
I feel as if I owe it to th...
Download Charcuterie Etched Display Font
*Download Charcuterie Etched Font* by Laura Worthington in Category *Display
Fonts* File Sized 555.11 KB with format EOT, TTF, WOFF, SVG, WOFF2
Two So in Love
This adorable couple is getting married. At sunset. In September.
Overlooking the river valley. ~swoon~ Hit play and scroll down to see their
engagement s...
Panic at the Canadian
I signed up to do the Super Sprint Triathlon at The Canadian a week before
the race. My original plans were to do my first open water Sprint Tri in
August ...
Vegan MoFo 2015: Recreating a Fave Childhood Food
I have to keep this short since I have only five minutes to write up
something, figure out how to paste in a pic from my new Apple computer, and
get the...
Tri Mac Squared
So It's been 1071 days since my last post. Why the sudden resurgence? I was
inspired by a couple of friends to get re-engaged with Flatout buddy.
I met...
Spread Optimism, Not Cynicism...
*"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism
is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And
we'll ...
I've Moved! I've Moved!
Over blogger - check out my new page on TUMBLR!
Running With A Bottle Of Wine
Please check it out!!!!!
Wow the saying "time flies" has never been more true for me. Despite what
in some ways feels like neverending day/night blur, I can't get over how
Wineries in Osoyoos
Wineries in OsoyoosDo you love biking and sipping wine? Why not combine your two favorite past times and head up to Osoyoos to bike up a storm and tour the l...
Miserable While Eating
Maybe the reason why you can't change to a healthy diet is because food has
become this profound visceral experience every time you sit down to a meal.
Regional Recap.
Yesterday I had my regional swim meet. It went really really well! On the
way to the meet my mom told me that I should drink some caffeine before I
My body tells me one thing, I tell it to GTH . . .
I'm feeling tired. I'm feeling run down. Too bad.
To hell with that, I remain very optimistic.
I'm on the treadmill almost everyday and jogging up and down...
THE MONTHLY POST.... I have come to this! One post per month... oh well,
better than leaving the blogosphere altogether!! I copied Lisa and ordered
the exa...
aww, that's so cute! awesome time too i might add - high five!
You guys are hilarious lol
Yes! Happy Birthday to John!!! :)
Happy Birthday John! Sorry I missed the BBQ
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